Friday, October 24, 2008

Best Deals in Colorado this week

Powerade-buy 10 get 5 free. This makes them .53 cents each
Hansen's Apple Juice .99c limit 2
Bananas .39c/lb

Bell Peppers .50c
red grapes $1/lb
Red/bartlett pears $1/lb
Butter 1.99


Hans and Michelle said...

Wow! I found your blog! And will you keep posting good deals to save me some time?

Hey thanks!!! And strawberries are buy one get one at Albertsons too. Yum...

Kristen said...

this is getting to be lots of fun. Today I got 6 yoplait yogurts for only 1 precious little dollar. YEs just 1 dollar! I wish I had another coupon.

Liz Wilcken said...

my friend has gotten sooo good at couponing that this last shopping trip she actually paid only $2.-something for 15 items consisting of expensive items!!! She somehow finds all these coupons where she gets the item free or sometimes even makes a PROFIT!!! Crazy. I admire you couponing people. I need to be better about that.